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Linglestown Gazette: BB AnswerLine: Navigating Linglestown square?

Friday, June 27, 2008

BB AnswerLine: Navigating Linglestown square?

Question … Is it legal to go to the right of the main line of cars on N. Mountain Road at the Eagle Hotel in the square to make a right-hand turn onto Linglestown Road (Rt. 39 East)?

posted by mzimmy on PennLive’s Linglestown Forum (See thread #401.)

BB answer According to a LP traffic safety officer that answered my info request, swinging out to the right of the main line of traffic is legal at the Eagle Hotel on N. Mountain Road as long as two conditions are met: (1) you can be pull off the maneuver safely and (2) it does not require leaving the roadway, which shouldn’t be an issue at the square.

It’s best to stay in line until you’re second in line though – you will be cited if pulling out to the right results in a collision with a motorist who does the same thing further up in the line.

BB AnswerLine is a free service provided by Linglestown Gazette and its subsidiary Linglestown TV.

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At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But wouldn't driving up the right be "leaving the roadway?" If you are driving on the right side of the white line you are in the Eagle parking lot...

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Bill Bostic said...

"Leaving the roadway" means going off the paved surface. For example, into a front lawn.

There's enough room to swing out to the right at the square on N. Mountain Road between the main line of traffic and the stop sign - it's not necessary to go into the parking area at the Eagle.


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