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Linglestown Gazette: Monday backyard news links

Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday backyard news links

CD schools Superintendent John Scola has submitted a notice of retirement effective August 12. Anyone have an inkling why he’s calling it quits? If so, please post a comment or send an e-mail to the Gazette.

LP Township police are requesting assistance with an investigation into a fatal, two-vehicle accident Saturday morning. … Do you think LP getting folded into a regional government with Harrisburg and other suburban communities is a good idea? At least one group does – the editorial board at The Patriot-News.

Meetings, meetings, meetings ... There is a trio of township meetings this week (links go to meeting agendas):

LP Twp. Authority, Tuesday, June 17, 5:30 pm – Linglestown pumping station and sewerage issues to be discussed.

LP Twp. Board of Supervisors, Tuesday, June 17, 7:30 pm – Linglestown sewer project bids and a financial matter related to the Linglestown square project are slated for action; Comcast cable subscribers can view a live broadcast of the meeting on channel 20.

Village of Linglestown Committee, Thursday, June 19, 7 pm at Linglestown Fire Company’s brick building – issues related to the square improvement project will be discussed.



At 4:29 PM, Blogger PladicratParty said...

Don't know why Scola's calling it a career (at the moment), but I wouldn't be surprised if it has to do with conflicts inside the school district, especially the whole CD vs. East thing.

I don't think CD is too big for its own good, I just think the people who run it (i.e. the school board) could do a much better job. From what I've seen, Scola's done the best he could do with what he's got.

At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's brought in the remodel or building of 4 schools in the last 4 years UNDER budget and CD is one of the very few school districts that are not raising taxes this year... I'd say he did a much better job then "best he could do with what he's got,"

I doubt he's leaving because of the supposed conflict - that conflict is created by some loud parents from the CD East school using questionable data collected from numerous sources that don't even match each other. I question some of those sources and some of the claims. Many of the voices that were screaming bloody murder a month ago have barely been heard from since. No one has given an update about the parents meetings since they happened - I wonder why?

CDSD has a target on it as it's the largest SD in this area and since one school has won some championships - some people just like to create noise as a way to mask their jealousy??

Why can't someone in public service just be allowed to retire just because they want to? Why does there always have to be the questions of "Why?" or the rumors of "my second cousin's girlfriend is neighbors with so and so's parents and they told me this is why..." ??

Let him leave in peace - he served the district quite well during his tenure.

At 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why can't someone in public service just be allowed to retire just because they want to? Why does there always have to be the questions of 'Why?'"
If, indeed, Mr. Scola retired because he just wanted to is fine. However, since he was such an asset to the district, the taxpayers with whom he had a contract, deserve to know if conditions within the district, or with the directors, prompted his resignation and how those conditions developed ... to LEARN from what evolved.
For the sake of the district, we should not allow it to be swept under the rug if there were problems.


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