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Linglestown Gazette: LP supervisors set to meet

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

LP supervisors set to meet

Lower Paxton Township Board of Supervisors will conduct their last meeting of July tonight at 7:30 pm, Township Municipal Center, 425 Prince Street. Comcast cable subscribers can view a live broadcast of the 7:30 pm meeting on channel 20.

The agenda item that caught my eye is listed under New Business, a resolution to authorize the sale of material produced by LP at its compost facility. I’m curious if the resolution would change the township’s practice of dumping mulch at Koons Park for residents to haul away free of charge.



At 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the township manager, the free mulch for residents would not stop. They are trying to get rid of the enormous piles they have that are hindering their ability to run the facility since it's in the way.

What was interesting was they did no research as to how much other townships might be getting paid for their material... LPT will get between 35 cents and $1 a cubic yard and sell between 1000 to 1500 cubic yards a year. A standard truckload sold will be about 100 cubic yards. "This is what they are willing to pay" was the answer when asked how did the proposed price get set.

At $24+ a cubic yard at some mulch places, there appears to be some money to be made in yard waste/compost. The buyers will have to further refine the material they are purchasing before they can sell it so they have additional costs on top of the sale price from LPT.

The motion passed.

At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a great service LP provides. Keep up the good work. One concern: I wonder if some of that mulch is the product of diseased trees that were cut down. There's no way to know for sure.

At 5:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep in mind this is unscreened, single-shredded mulch, and basically what's to stop a commercial concern from loading up huge quantities of mulch (free)?

Any idea if there's been a study of
potential for selling the methane underneath the compost facility?

At 9:01 AM, Blogger Bill Bostic said...

There's nothing to stop poorly run commercial operations from ripping off their customers by using the unprocessed mulch stockpiled at the park.

I'm not aware of a methane study.


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