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Linglestown Gazette: Learn how to mix faith and politics

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Learn how to mix faith and politics

Most people try to avoid mixing faith and politics, but Linglestown Life will wade into both topics in anticipation of the presidential election with an upcoming sermon series entitled When Faith and Politics Collide.

* Pastor George Reynolds will talk about the Separation of Church and State in the opening message on Sunday, Oct. 19, at 8, 9:30 and 11 am.

* Civility will be the key element the following week, Oct. 26, in a message entitled Right, Left or Somewhere in the Middle.

* The Sunday prior to the election Pastor Reynolds will ask Would You Vote for Jesus? The focus will be on Jesus' platform and whether he would be a good candidate to elect as president.

This is a series that will challenge everyone to examine how the issues of faith challenge us to be engaged as citizens of the Kingdom of God who live in this earthly kingdom.

The church is located at 1430 N Mountain Road, one-half block north of the square in Linglestown.


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