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Linglestown Gazette: Backyard News, 04.13.09

Monday, April 13, 2009

Backyard News, 04.13.09

This week’s key government meetings …

Tuesday, April 14 CD School Board will conduct a workshop session to review the proposed 2009-2010 budget tomorrow in the Lecture Hall of Central Dauphin East High School, 5–6:30 pm. The public is welcome to attend.

Tuesday, April 14 Lower Paxton Twp. supervisors also will hold a workshop session tomorrow, Municipal Center, 6 pm. The agenda has several items related to parks and recreation programs, including a proposed loan and line of credit offered to Koons Pool by Centric Bank.

Thursday, April 16 Village of Linglestown Committee, the group responsible for planning the village improvement project, is tentatively scheduled to meet at Linglestown Fire Company (brick building), 7 pm.

News links … The air inside Cantone’s Southern Italian Restaurant appears to be smoke free, according to The Patriot-News. The Colonial Park eatery has the distinction of being the only licensed liquor establishment in the greater Harrisburg region to be fined under the state’s 7-month-old indoor smoking ban. … Geisinger Health Systems has opened a specialty clinic in the medical building in the village of Linglestown that formerly was used by a Pinnacle Health Family Care practice (next to Gordon’s Hearing Aid Lab). More details are available from The Patriot-News.

Linglestown slated for sewer project … Lower Paxton is gearing up to replace sewer lines that run from sewer mains in streets to private residences in the neighborhood on Elmer and Elaine avenues (formerly known as St. Thomas Manor). The project is included under an agreement between the state's environmental agency and Lower Paxton to repair the township's leaky sewage-collection system.

The development, which includes the Gazette newsroom, was constructed about 50 years ago, and several properties will be extremely difficult to replace the entire private sewer line. For instance, the line at the Gazette newsroom enters the basement underneath a sunroom that was added to the home a few years ago. Hmmm!

Backed up big time … My inbox is swamped and my to-do list is very long, so please bear with me if you submitted an item to the Gazette in recent days. I hope to get caught up this week.

Also, for those of you competing in the Mini-Mowing Contest, B² did not mow over the holiday weekend.


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