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Linglestown Gazette: Backyard News, TGIF edition, 04.10.09

Friday, April 10, 2009

Backyard News, TGIF edition, 04.10.09

Lower Paxton Twp. news … The supervisors met Tuesday evening, and below are highlights from the session:

* Tara Mead of Knollwood Drive continued her quest to get the township to address a longstanding noise issue caused by a next-door teenage boy who insists on loudly revving cars and playing a car stereo at high volume levels. Police are aware of the problem but have not issued a citation against the noisy neighbor. Mead indicated that she and her husband have retained a lawyer and may file a lawsuit against the neighbor.

“When you’ve called our police department has responded,” Board of Supervisors Chairman Bill Hawk told Mead following her testimony.

Mead recommended that the township consider adopting portions of a noise ordinance on the books in Susquehanna Twp. to strengthen the one used in Lower Paxton.

* Lower Paxton will celebrate Arbor Day on Tuesday, April 21, at the Friendship Center, 1 pm. Linglestown Elementary students will participate in the program that includes planting a tree.

* The supervisors voted to designate the township as the lead agency in an electricity-purchasing program with other municipalities. The joint effort was launched as a way to reduce energy costs when the state’s caps on electricity rates end in 2010. As the lead agency, Lower Paxton officials will sign documents on behalf of all participating municipalities.

Call for help ... Central Dauphin School District is seeking volunteers from the school community to assist in the selection of the new superintendent of schools. CLICK HERE for details on how to get involved in the search. (See center column under “TO THE CORE.”)

Linglestown note … The finishing touches on the new municipal parking lot located behind the former Chocolate Cafe appear to be finished – installation of two light standards and painting of parking-space lines. Lower Paxton installed the lot to offset parking spaces that will be lost in the square as part of the planned village improvement project.

Mini-Mowing Contest update …
I didn’t mow my yard today in recognition of Good Friday. This year's inaugural mowing likely will happen soon.



At 9:10 PM, Anonymous CenPaMom said...

Hi BB -- thanks for posting the update..but one of the things that I (hoped) that I got across to the B of S was that, yes, police responded, but nothing **happened** and we got NO relief...I realize you know this :), but for people reading this blog, they may not be aware of just how long we've had to deal with the repeated rights to our rights to privacy...and our complete frustration in just wanting to be left alone, as a family, in our own home.
I really hope no other family has to go through what we've been through -- the stress, the frustration, and of course, the extra expense in hiring an attorney...just to protect our rights.

At 10:40 PM, Blogger Unknown said...


Have you recorded each incident? I would. Took me a minute to find out that B of S meant Board of Supervisors and not something else.

I find it very discouraging that you have to put up with this.

At 11:19 PM, Blogger Bill Bostic said...

At a recent meeting of Stray Winds Area Neighbors (SWAN), Tara said that she and her husband keep a log of their neighbor's excessive noise.

It seems to me that the police and township zoning officers are unwilling to devote the manpower required to enforce the township's noise ordinance.

To make a citation stick, someone affiliated with the township would need to record noise-level readings that exceed the allowable decibel level. Obtaining noise readings is difficult because you would need to catch the noisy neighbor in the act of violating the law.

At 6:05 PM, Anonymous CenPaMom said...

Hi Mr. Nease -- yes, BB is right re: log and the citation issue..this log is very extensive (more than 20 pages). I really hope that the "powers that be" can put some teeth to the current ordinance and make it actually mean something. Hopefully another family won't have to incur extra expenses (legal ones) just to be left alone in our home.

We were lucky to get a good attorney that is willing to fight for us, should it come to it.

B of S - LOL yes, that's my shorthand, especially for all the notes that I've written...I guess that could be construed in other ways ! LOL

thanks again for your support...and I hope we're not the only ones who feel the way you do.


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