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Linglestown Gazette: Lower Paxton meeting notes

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Lower Paxton meeting notes

Highlights of issues discussed at Tuesday’s township supervisors' meeting …

* Linglestown Life officials reviewed their building expansion plans with the supervisors. The church’s plan appears to be on track to be approved in the near future.

* Acting Police Chief David Johnson outlined a plan to shift patrol officers from eight- to 12-hour shifts. The change is expected to increase manpower on the streets, reduce overtime pay, and boost officers’ morale. The township needs to negotiate the proposed scheduling change with the police officers’ union prior to implementing it.

Several police departments in the area, including Susquehanna Twp., have successfully implemented 12-hour shifts.

* Lower Paxton is eligible to receive $185, 200 in federal stimulus money for energy efficiency improvements. Planned projects are (1) installation of LED lights at public parking lots, (2) energy enhancements at the Friendship Center, and (3) installation of an energy-efficient internal lighting system at the Public Works Center on Locust Lane.

* The supervisors concurred that a planning process proposed by the Parks & Rec Board for parkland along Wenrich Street – known as the Wolfersberger Tract – should move forward. Also, the supervisors assured a resident who lives just south of the tract that discussions with a local soccer association to construct a soccer field complex on the land are dead.


At 7:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I would like to know if Acting Chief Johnson is speaking for the morale of the LPPD officers or the Law Enforcement community as a whole.

If LPPD decides (and Supervisors approve) the 12 hour shifts, I think it will take 2-3 months to get used to.

May I suggest the "Pitman schedule"?

1st wk Mon/Tue on Wed/Thu off Fri/Sat/Sun on
2nd wk Mon/Tue off Wed/Thu on Fri/Sat/Sun off.

In the 2 weeks, one shift would have to be 10 hours --- in order for it to be 80 hours/2wks.

7 days off during the 2 weeks... sounds like a good plan to me!

As I said, many police departments use this model and the officers enjoy it. It is, however, up to LPPD to agree to it -- and I'm talking about the patrol officers -- not the admin.

Studies have shown that 12-hour shifts for patrol officers improve morale and family life. (SOURCE: "The 12-Hour Shift: A Workable Alternative" by LA Trooper Michael Fournet.

At 7:50 AM, Blogger Bill Bostic said...

Acting Police Chief Johnson told the supervisors that union officials broached the idea of going to 12-hour shifts. He has had preliminary talks with officers about the move to longer shifts.

The supervisors agreed to allow Johnson and township manager Wolfe to enter into formal talks with the union on revised shifts.


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