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Linglestown Gazette: School board meeting on tap tonight

Monday, September 14, 2009

School board meeting on tap tonight

Central Dauphin School Board will meet tonight in the lecture hall at Central Dauphin East High School, 7 pm.

Notable agenda items:

* Dr. Luis Gonzalez, the district's new superintendent, will present highlights of students' state assessment scores. CLICK HERE for more information – see second item.

* Eric Epstein, business agent for the bus drivers' union, is scheduled to discuss outsourcing of student transportation services.

* Board president Kathy Stone will present a special report on a mystery topic – the meeting agenda only says "special report."

To view the meeting agenda, click on the plus sign for 09/14/2009, and then click on the plus signs to get details about specific agenda items, including downloadable files of documents and presentations.



At 5:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you attend a school board meeting it's like a root canal. Long and painful. The board members sit there and they can't even fake it that there interested in the topic being dicussed. You can count on Malesic to chime in that the folks out there may not be understanding the discussion going on. Dr. Gonzalez was explaining PSSA assestments. If your a parent you read the litature they send home. Could you board members and adminstration get it together and realize that the stalling process that you use at these meetings aren't working. You hope that the public will go home so you don't have to listen to non agenda speakers. IT'S not working the public are feed up and will wait for there time to say what on there mind. Don't you think it's time for you folks sitting up front at the big table to get with the program. The cameras are on you.

At 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are a lot of talented students who attend CD, but the school board does not support them. I think it's time to fund the Capital Area School for the Arts (CASA) just as it would football or the band. Asking parents to pay $3,500 tuition for the program is just too much of a burden.


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