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Linglestown Gazette: Update: Linglestown slogan search

Friday, January 20, 2012

Update: Linglestown slogan search

Sat., 1/21/12 — Updated my suggestion and added a new one received via email.

I've been busting my brain trying to come up with a suggestion that is short and focuses on something unique about Linglestown and its new look. Finally, an idea popped into my head that might do the trick:

Linglestown, home of Central PA's first roundabouts
Linglestown, Home of the Roundabouts

The village's two roundabouts are worthy of mention because they are among the first to be installed in Pennsylvania and the first ones in this region, plus they're doing a bang-up job in keeping traffic moving. And, it never hurts to hang your hat on something that gives you the status of being numero uno.

The Gazette has received a few suggestions for a village slogan, some well meaning and others of the tongue-in-cheek variety. Here are some of the better submissions:

Living & Loving Linglestown
Linglestown, Where Friends Meet
New & Improved St. Thomas
Linglestown, America's hometown!

Be sure to check the Gazette next week for updates. I have a pile of news to crank out about local happenings, including a report on the first meeting of the Linglestown Area Civic Association.


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