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Linglestown Gazette: No surprises at CD board meeting

Monday, May 07, 2012

No surprises at CD board meeting

NO SURPRISE #1 ... Carol Johnson, the district's assistant superintendent, was hired to be the head honcho for a four-year term starting July 13, 2012, with a compensation package to be determined later.

CLICK HERE to see an acceptance speech that she delivered following the board's hiring vote.

NO SURPRISE #2 ... School board president Ford Thompson attempted to explain why the public was excluded from participating in the search for a new superintendent.

CLICK HERE to see Thompson's explanation of the hiring process.

NO SURPRISE #3  ... The board made decisions on tax settlements, a mystery settlement and furloughs of teachers and other staffers without providing details on the issues under consideration.

Georgia Smee, a teacher and co-president of the Central Dauphin teacher union was unaware that a vote would take place on furloughs and learned during the meeting that Johnson plans to meet with union officials to discuss furloughs on Tuesday.

Please take three minutes to check out community activist Eric Epstein's take on tonight's meeting.

Related links:  Central Dauphin School District ... Patriot-News article ... WPMT Fox 43 video ... School employee furloughs (No administrative positions are being eliminated.) ... CD teachers dealing with planned furloughs



At 3:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Carol Johnson as superintendant is a good choice. I disagree with the way the school board has chosen to go in making their decisions, however.

First and foremost, whatever the value of her contract, it should be reduced by $5,000 to cover the cost of what the District had to pay for the search.

Secondly, while the District may have an elected representative board, that doesn't give them just right to make such large, impactful decisions with minimal public comment and discourse. Do they have the right to operate in this manner? Yes. However, I don't think it's justified.

Lastly, while we may disagre with the Board's decision-making process, Ford Thompson is correct when he says that they are a representative body (obviously). If we - whoever "we" is - are unhappy with what the Board did, then we need to take appropriate political action during election season.

Perhaps this is time for an overhaul to the school board structure. Perhaps it's time to have a school board that is chosen by everyone within the district, not having representatives from different parts of the district.

I do not support Ford Thompson as school board president, nor do I want him on the school board. Yet, I don't have a choice in that, because of where I live. As far as I'm concerned, that's not how we should operate the school district any longer.

It would be one thing if this were Congress or the state legislature.

At 4:45 AM, Blogger Bill Bostic said...

Does anyone know ...

1) What the procedure is to eliminate the school district voting precincts?

2) What school board seats are up for grabs in 2013?

At 5:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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