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Linglestown Gazette: 3 Things You Need To Know About CD Schools

Thursday, October 11, 2012

3 Things You Need To Know About CD Schools

#1 ... The next school board meeting will be held this Monday, Oct. 15 beginning at 7 pm in the Lecture Hall of CD East High. The agenda most likely will be posted HERE on Friday.

#2 ... The steering committee of Citizens for CD Schools met for the first time Thursday and decided to hold a big kickoff meeting for the general public in mid-January 2013. Also, a special section will be launched in the near future on Linglestown Gazette dedicated to the citizens' group.

#3 ... WHTM abc27 reported last month that some CD school buses are overcrowded, and it appears that the report is valid in at least one case. Some parents in the Blue Meadows Farm development in Linglestown are carpooling students to school because the bus is overcrowded and the ride to nearby schools takes about 40 minutes. Please submit a comment on this post if you are aware of similar situations.



At 10:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been transporting my child to CDHS for 3 years due to overcrowded buses and a far too lengthy trip. We live 3.5 miles from the high school and my child would be on the bus for 45 minutes. Absolutely ridiculous.

At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Q said...

As a Blue Meadows Farm resident, the elementary bus ride is about 20 minutes, in which I don't see a problem with.

At 4:11 PM, Anonymous Karen Cattabiani said...

The busing problem begins in middle school (with students from three elementary schools attending one school, while the district uses fewer buses to get them there) and continues into high school (when another middle school joins the picture.) Blue Meadows Farm children are picked up at 6:55am for a 7:45am start at the middle and high schools. I know more families than not in BMF, our family included, who carpool their children to the middle and high schools. Finally, it would be interesting to get a count on the number of cars backlogged each morning in the CD student drop-off area.


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