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Linglestown Gazette: Pair of issues looms big for CD board

Friday, June 05, 2009

Pair of issues looms big for CD board

The Central Dauphin School Board meeting Monday is shaping up to be a forum on food and transportation issues. It will be held in the Lecture Hall of Central Dauphin East High School, 7 pm.

Last month’s vote to hire a new food serve management company is still making waves. Board member Christian Malesic was quoted in a WHP CBS 21 story about the controversial vote, and his colleague Justin McShane is scheduled to speak on the issue during Monday’s meeting.

And, I’ve had a couple chats with bus drivers about their concerns with the way the district’s transportation department is being operated. Also, there’s talk that the district might subcontract its busing operation as a way to reduce costs. Two bus drivers that are labor union leaders – Donna Ricpero and Irv Shadle – are scheduled to speak at Monday’s meeting.

To view the meeting agenda, click on the plus sign for 06/08/2009, and then click on the plus signs to get details about specific agenda items, including downloadable PDF files of documents.



At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a parent and a taxpayer in the Central Dauphin School District my question to the School Board is this: If you decide to outsource the transportation department and still pay the drivers contract out for 2 years as a whole, where is this great SAVINGS? BEFORE YOU DO THIS, YOU NEED TO PUT THIS OUT TO THE TAXPAYERS AND LET US DECIDE. You people were voted in by us and YOU


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