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Linglestown Gazette: B² feeling 'good' pain

Thursday, November 15, 2012

B² feeling 'good' pain

B² ... no pain, no gain

I've been banging around the idea for quite some time to get my 50-something body into better physical condition. In short, I’m a 160-pound dude with the strength of a 99-pound weakling, and that's on my good days.

I know ... pretty pathetic! But, this is the kind of to-do item that is really easy to put off.

The stumbling block isn't that I lack athletic abilities. I played high school basketball and golf, competed as an amateur bicycle racer and ran in a few running races. Also, hiking the Appalachian Trail from start to finish could be in my future.

So, I have no problem sweating, huffing and puffing. What I've lacked for a few decades is a training partner.

My wife is a physical-fitness machine and she loves to call me "old man" due to my not-so-great fitness level. Pairing with her to get into shape would be a disaster – she'd leave me in the dust in nothing flat and love doing it. (For the record, I could outpace her running from time to time back in the mid-1980s.)

I've recently been experiencing a growing number of aches and pains – mainly a stiff right hip and shoulder – and knew it was time to take action to slow down the aging process.

Personal trainer Rene Seigrist

On a whim, I made a split-second decision to visit Core Results Personal Training on N. Mountain Road in the Linglestown Plaza. In no time flat co-owners Rene and Steve agreed to put me through the paces for a discounted price in exchange for me documenting my progress on Linglestown Gazette.

My first three weeks of training with Renee are nearly under my belt and predictably I'm a bit tired, stiff and sore.

But this is what I call "good" pain! I can already tell teaming up with Core Results is best decision I've made in decades.

Look out ... six-pack abs here I come!

Look for my first fitness update in a couple of months. In the meantime, I’m going to ask Rene for some fitness tips to encourage Gazette readers to get up and get active.



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