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Linglestown Gazette: Kokomo's no more

Monday, December 15, 2008

Kokomo's no more

As predicted in a Q-Tip last week, the Kokomo's sports bar on Linglestown Road across from the Weis store was shuttered Sunday night, and a reliable source has told the Gazette that Arooga's will soon fill the spot.

According to a report published by WHTM TV-27, the owners of Kokomo's have been delinquent on their payments since May 2007.

Co-owner Cindy L. Barowski told The Patriot-News that Kokomo's filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and employees were notified Friday evening (Dec. 12).

Additional comments about the closing of Kokomo's can be found on the Linglestown forum at PennLive.com – see thread #464.
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At 7:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee, what a surprise! You had to see it coming considering the owners weren't the most upstanding citizens.

At 8:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hat. No fire?

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on, give the guy a break. How could he have time to set another fire to his business when he's to busy beating up his girlfriend(s). What a piece of work he is.


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